IKEA. Every Day Different campaign. To show the versatility of IKEA, we sent out a new commercial every day on television. That’s 365 unique commercials a year. This was made possible by smart media planning, advanced production techniques and a lighting fast creative process. Every commercial highlights a new product, a different style or a new promotion. This way, we prove that every day is truly different at IKEA. The pay-off emphasizes this. The commercials were not only sent out on different TV–channels every day, but were also put on the homepage of IKEA and a special YouTube page to get even more viewers. Role: Head of Arts / Concept Art Director
RECOGNITION: Silver at Eurobest 2011 : Film - Retail stores / Silver Epica 2011 : Media Innovation - Traditional Media/ Nomination Tomorrow Awards 2011 / Nomination Eurobest 2011 : Media - Best use of film / Nomination ADCN Lamps 2011 : Commercials / Published : Contagious magazine - Issue 28/Q3 2011 / Published : Book 'Newsjacking' - Urgent Genius of Real-time Advertising / Featured : Advertising Served - Best Creative work 2011